Thursday, April 3, 2008


I was sick last week. No fun. I love going to the station; love, love, love it! But I also know Pete and Tanya, the assignment editors, are germaphobes; thus I opted to rest on Monday and Wednesday.

I went in Thursday, however, to meet with the news director, Christine. She did a seminar on broadcast copy and I didn’t think it would be a good idea to miss it! I mean she’s taking time out of her day for the interns; yea, better be there. So I go in hacking my lungs out. Sure enough Pete and Tanya are griping, in good humor, all day. It was pretty funny. When I answered Pete’s phone, he gasped—AH! You touched my phone!—and immediately stopped what he was doing to grab a disinfectant wipe. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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