Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do NOT Panic

I love going out with reporters. You can learn so much just observing them.

I always told myself if I was going to do this job, I would not stress when things are down to the wire. You can’t. If you panic and fluster yourself, you’re only going to make a tight situation tighter.

Gigi Barnett is an excellent role model for this. We went to the Baltimore City School System offices on North Ave. for an interview with Dr. Andres Alonso, CEO of BCPSS. This was at 11 a.m. and Gigi had a live shot at noon. There was not a trace of panic or stress when she left the interview at 11:45 a.m. She just went straight to the truck to edit the interview tape and write her story. So incredible and inspiring; this is exactly the demeanor I want to possess when I’m a reporter.

I also really love the photographers. They are the coolest people ever and very insightful about what I need to do as a future journalist. So far, I get along with all the ones I’ve worked with (Rolos help. Right, Joel?). They can make or break you too. I mean, they’re holding the camera; how good do you wana look?

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