Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Aftermath

The station thrills me. I’m on cloud nine just being there and working with and talking to all the people. It’s the most incredible feeling; such a rush.

After a few week hiatus, I returned to the station to work on my resume tape. Concerning the project at hand, I’m further along than I thought—hooray!—and better then I remember. It’s so exciting milling about the studio, I feel like I’m doing something constructive and proactive, and I am, mostly for me. :) And oh the possibilities. There’s so much potential for everything or anything to erupt into something dynamite. You just never know.

I definitely missed seeing my favorite photographers and reporters. They’re always welcoming, even if they do give me a hard time and tease me and put me to work. I guess that means they like me. Isn’t that what you learn in first grade, if someone picks on you they like you? I can only hope that’s the case.