Monday, March 10, 2008

Insert Foot Here...


What a day! Mondays are just that day all around; so blah and drab. They take forever to get going and forever to end. I definitely had a foot in mouth moment today. I made a comment, totally innocent…I wasn’t trying to be rude or disrespectful, but I felt like a total jerk. And each time I opened my mouth it just became worse, I just kept digging a hole for myself. Ugh! So terrible! (It had to do with me elaborating on an ethnic stereotype, which I don’t want to repeat again here!) So I insulted a seasoned and well respected reporter and made myself a laughing stock to one of the photographers. Perfect! But when I spoke to the photographer I was with, he said I was fine; the reporter was just trying to get me flustered and it worked. I did get the sense I was being provoked. But, ah, that is not a situation I want to be in again!

Other than that, it was quite a day. We drove to Frederick County to do a story on an 11-year-old girl who developed her own Website dedicated to animal control. It just goes to show you what youths are capable of this day in age. Kids are brilliant and their ability to utilize technology is amazing.

Wednesday was another fabulous day in the Web department. There were soooo many stories to post when I got in. I think it was because there was breaking news that took precedence. I posted at least ten from the wires, reconfigured a press release to post, and cut video for the Website. I love busy days in the station; the hustle and bustle makes you feel like you're part of something greater, like you're doing something constructive. It always feels fulfilling and it's always a fantastic day at work!